I see and treat a wide variety of Ophthalmic conditions including:


Facial rejeuvenation treatments including skin resurfacing, bottox and fillers

Laser Cataract Surgery (Femtosecond laser)

Cataract surgery - Blended vision, Multifocal and Astigmatic Correcting lenses.
Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE)

Comprehensive Glaucoma Care

Screening, Early Diagnosis and Treatment
Comprehensive Glaucoma Monitoring
Minimally Invasive Surgery including iStent and XenGel stent Trabeculectomy
Glaucoma Draining Devices (Ahmed and Baerveldt)

Upper Face / Eyelid Surgery

Lumps and Bumps around the Upper Face
Ectropion (Outward turning eyelid)
Entropian (Inturning eyelid)
Watery Eye Surgery (Punctoplasty and DCR)
Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery ("Bag Removal")
Droopy Eyelids
Tumour Removal and Reconstruction

Laser Procedures

Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT)
Endoscopic Cyclophotocoagulation (ECP)
Laser Peripheral Iridotomy
Transcleral Cyclodiode Laser Treatment
YAG Laser Capsulotomy

Routine Eye Health Checks and Ophthalmic Medicals

I offer an extensive eye health check. You will have your vision assessed and eyes examined from front to back, including applanation pressure (more accurate than the air puff test) and fundoscopy, to name a few of the tests included at your visit. Each consultation is tailored to your needs and requirements and I will advise if you need any specialist or further investigations.

A-Z of Eye Conditions

Here is a list of treatments and conditions from one of the most up to date and best resources available on the web for both professionals and patients.
